
Starjumpz offers independent services to individuals in addition to services funded through NHS contracts, Social Services, Schools, The Adoption Support Fund, Charities and other organisations.
Our assessments, treatment appointments and therapies are listed below with prices.
Not all appointment types and prices are listed here, you can contact us at info@starjumpz.com for more information.
Fee Structure
Full Paediatric Assessment with Paediatrician an ADOS assessor: £3850
This is a comprehensive, holistic assessment of your child’s strengths and vulnerabilities which could, if appropriate, lead to a diagnosis of conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The assessment involves analysis of detailed information provided by home and school from questionnaires, rating scales and from any previous medical and therapy reports.
The assessment includes a three and a half hour appointment with a Consultant Neurodevelopmental Paediatrician which involves the ADOS-2 being undertaken jointly with specialist Speech and Language Therapist or Clinical Psychologist. It also involves a physical examination and assessment of fine and gross motor skills and the QbCheck screening assessment for ADHD. Following the assessment a detailed report is written which includes recommendations for parents, carers and school staff.
Initial Paediatric Consultation: £1630
This 90-minute consultation with your child aims to explore concerns and give reassurance to parents making further recommendations and signposting to assessments if appropriate. This would be a suitable appointment to explore concerns about developmental progress, behaviour, and/or concerns about possible ASD, ADHD and/or Developmental Coordination Disorder/ Dyspraxia etc. Prior to this appointment comprehensive background information is gathered.
Usually this appointment would be with the child present. Alternatively it can be carried out as a parent only consultation to allow more discussion time with the Consultant Paediatrician.
The parent only initial consultation can also be offered as an online video link appointment if preferable.
A summary report is provided. The appointment does not include any formal assessment and will not result in a diagnosis.
Rest of Paediatric Assessment: £3195
This is a two-and-a-half-hour appointment to follow on from a Starjumpz Initial Consultation appointment with the aim of making a diagnosis when appropriate or providing more detail about a child’s individual strengths and weaknesses. A highly specialist speech and language therapist joins the Consultant Paediatrician for part of the appointment. As with the “full assessment” this includes an ADOS-2 (the gold standard assessment for ASD), undertaken and scored jointly (Paediatrician and Speech Therapist), a receptive language assessment and assessment of fine and gross motor skills, physical examination and a QB check when clinically appropriate.
Following this assessment, a detailed comprehensive diagnostic report, including strategies and recommendations is produced.
QB Check Screening: £380
The QbCheck screening service for ADHD includes a report generated from the test results with clinical observations which can indicate whether a child is likely to meet the criteria for a diagnosis of ADHD. Please note that the QB check alone does not provide a diagnosis of ADHD.
Autism Assessment (ADOS-2) £1025
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Second Edition (ADOS-2) is a standardised assessment administered by trained clinicians to evaluate communication skills, social interaction, and imaginative use of materials in individuals who are suspected to be autistic. Please note that a screening does not result in a diagnosis but gives information that can help inform diagnosis and intervention. The appointment will result in a report detailing the findings as well as recommendations of strategies and therapies that can be accessed without a diagnosis.
This appointment is up to 1.5 hours in length with two of our ADOS-2 trained assessors. A range of different activities will be undertaken to elicit different behaviours and responses. These activities are designed to look at communication, social interaction, play and restricted and repetitive behaviours that are directly related to Autism. Responses to activities are scored and give an indication of the possibility of an Autism diagnosis based on real time observations.
Although a stand-alone assessment will not result in an official diagnosis, the information from the ADOS-2 can be used as evidence, alongside information from parents, school, placements, or other medical professionals to inform a diagnosis, if appropriate, from a Paediatrician, Psychiatrist or Clinical Psychologist. The ADOS-2 will demonstrate your child’s strengths and difficulties and allow you to gain a better understanding of your child regarding their behaviour and support needs.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.