About Us

Joanna Brett Dip COT, RCOT
CEO, Paediatric Occupational Therapist and Neurofeedback Practitioner
'From early on in my career, I have always wanted to create a centre like Starjumpz where a wide range of services come together in a holistic approach to support children to overcome their challenges and thrive. With both International and UK experience in a range of pioneering methods of supporting children with a range of conditions and symptoms, Jo has over three decades of experience in her field and has personal experience of overcoming acute and chronic health conditions using a holistic nutrition, lifestyle, mind and body approach. Empowering children to develop self-esteem and build on their strengths, Jo supports sensory processing difficulties, autistic processing disorder, developmental coordination disorder (dyspraxia), attachment disorder, developmental trauma, cerebral palsy, learning difficulties and many other complex needs.

Dr. Georgie Siggers BSc (hons), MBBS, MRCP, FRCPH
Consultant Neurodevelopmental Paediatrician
More about Georgie

Dr Veronica Leclezio MBChB DCH MRCPCH
Consultant Neurodevelopmental Paediatrician
More about Veronica

Olivia Luke
Senior Paediatric Occupational Therapist
More about Olivia
At the heart of our pioneering approach are our people. Friendly, professional yet practiced and expert at putting you and your child at ease, our clinicians are hand picked for their skills, compassion, experience and dedication to give you and your young person the best support available